福州牛新牛科技有限公司是一家专业的嵌入式技术及产品解决方案供应商。拥有100+基于瑞芯微芯片的嵌入式主板软硬件开发项目经验;可提供可行性评估、方案设计、器件选型、原理图设计、结构设计、PCB Layout、软硬件联调、BSP驱动开发、系统移植、系统裁剪定制、应用开发等全流程技术服务;可提供PCBA/整机研发打样、小批量生产、大批量生产等生产制造服务。支持RK3588、RK3588S、RK3568、RK3566、RK3562、RK3399、RK3288、RV1126等瑞芯微全系列芯片。


来源: | 作者:NNEWN | 发布时间: 2021-07-27 | 3055 次浏览 | 分享到:

瑞芯微RV1109是一款用于工控机或人工智能视觉应用的高性能机器视觉处理器SoC。它基于双核ARM Cortex-A7 32位内核,集成了NEON和FPU。每个核心有一个32KB的I-cache和32KB的D-cache和512KB的统一L2缓存。内置的NPU支持INT8/INT16混合操作,计算能力高达1.2TOPs。此外,基于TensorFlow/MXNet/PyTorch/Caffe等一系列框架的网络模型具有很强的兼容性,可以方便地进行转换。

RV1109还引入了新一代完全基于硬件的500万像素ISP(图像信号处理器)和后处理器。实现了IPC和CVR中常用的算法加速器,如HDR、3A函数(AE、AF、AWB)、LSC、3DNR、2DNR、锐化、dehaze、鱼眼校正、gamma校正、特征点检测等。所有这些都是实时处理。通过两个MIPI CSI(或LVDS/subvds)和一个DVP(BT.601/BT.656/BT.1120)接口,用户可以建立一个同时接收来自3个摄像机传感器的视频数据的系统。

RV1109中嵌入的视频编码器支持5M H.265/H.264编码。它还支持多流编码,最高可支持一个5M30FPS和一个720P30同时进行。借助于这一功能,摄像机的视频可以被编码成更高的分辨率并存储在本地存储器中,同时将另一个低分辨率的视频传输到云存储中。RV1109中的H.264/H.265视频解码器支持5M的H.264和H.265。RV1109具有高性能的外部DRAM(DDR3/DDR3L/DDR4/LPDDR3/LPDDR4),能够维持高要求的内存带宽。


The features listed below which may or may not be present in actual product, may be subject to the third-party licensing requirements. Please contact Rockchip for actual product feature configurations and licensing requirements.

Application Processor

  • Dual-Core Cortex-A7

  • Full implementation of the ARM architecture v7-A instruction set, ARM Neon Advanced SIMD

  • Separately Integrated Neon and FPU

  • 32KB L1 I-Cache and 32KB L1 D-Cache per Cortex-A7 CPU

  • Unified 512KB L2 Cache for Dual-Core Cortex-A7

  • TrustZone technology supported

  • Separate power domains for CPU core system to support internal power switch and externally turn on/off based on different application scenario

    • PD_CPU0: 1st Cortex-A7 + Neon + FPU + L1 I/D Cache

    • PD_CPU1: 2nd Cortex-A7 + Neon + FPU + L1 I/D Cache

  • One isolated voltage domain to support DVFS

Video Input Interface

  • Interface and video input processor

    • Two MIPI CSI/ LVDS/SubLVDS interfaces, 4 lanes each, 1Gbps per lane

    • One 8/10/12/16-bit standard DVP interface, up to 150MHz input data

    • Support 601/BT.656 and BT.1120 VI interfaces

    • Support the polarity of pixel_clk、hsync、vsync configurable

  • ISP

    • Maximum resolution is 5M pixel

    • DVP input: ITU-R 601/656/1120 with raw8/raw10/raw12/raw16, YUV422

  • MIPI input: RX data lane x1/x2/x4, raw8/raw10/raw12, YUV422

  • 3A: include AE/Histogram, AF, AWB statistics output

  • FPN: Fixed Pattern Noise removal

  • BLC: Black Level Correction

  • DPCC: Static/Dynamic defect pixel cluster correction

  • LSC: Lens shading correction

  • Bayer-NR: Bayer-raw De-noising, 2DNR

  • HDR: 3-/2-Frame Merge into High-Dynamic Range

  • TMO: 3-/2-Frame Merge Video Tone mapping

  • WDR: One Frame Wide-Dynamic Range Tone mapping

  • Debayer: Advanced Adaptive Demosaic with Chromatic Aberration Correction

  • CCM/CSM: Color correction matrix; RGB2YUV

  • Gamma: Gamma out correction

  • Dehaze/Enhance: Automatic Dehaze and edge enhancement

  • 3DLUT: 3D-Lut Color Palette for Customer

  • LDCH: Lens-distortion in the horizontal direction

  • Output Scale*3: support scale down level*3(W0<3264; W1<1280; W2<1280)

  • Output Scale*2: support scale down level*2(W0<1920; W1<1920)

  • Output (FBC): support YUV422/420 with Frame Buffer Compression

  • 3DNR: Advanced Temporal Noise reduce in YUV

  • 2DNR: Advanced Spatial Noise reduce in YUV

  • Sharp: Picture Sharpening & Edge Enhance in YUV

  • ORB: Oriented Fast and Rotated BRIEF, a method of feature points detection

  • FEC: the bigger Lens-distortion and Fish Eye Correction

  • CGC: Color Gamut Compression, YUV full range/limit range convert


  • Video Decoder

    • Real-time decoding of H.264 and 265

    • Main and Main10 profile for H.265, up to 3072-pixel wide

  • Video Encoder

    • Real-time H.265/H.264 video encoding

    • I-/P-frames and SmartP

    • Five bit rate control modes (CBR, VBR, FixQp, AVBR, and QpMap)

    • Up to 100 Mbit/s output bit rate

    • Support ROI(no limit) encoding;

    • Support multi-stream encoding/decoding

Ø    3072 x 1728@30 fps+1280 x 720@30 fps

Ø    2688 x 1520@30 fps+1280 x 720@30 fps

Ø    2688 x 1944@30 fps+1280 x 720@30fps

Ø    2688 x 1944@30 encoding + 2688 x 1944@30 fps decoding

  • Input data format:

    • YCbCr 4:2:0 planar

    • YCbCr 4:2:0 semi-planar

    • YCbYCr 4:2:2

    • CbYCrY 4:2:2 interleaved

    • RGB444 and BGR444

    • RGB555 and BGR555

    • RGB565 and BGR565

    • RGB888 and BRG888

Ø    RGB101010 and BRG101010

  • One isolated voltage domain to support DVFS


  • JPEG Encoder

    • Baseline (DCT sequential)

    • Encoder size is from 96×96 to 8192×8192(67Mpixels)

  • Up to 90 million pixels per second

  • JPEG Decoder

    • Decoder size is from 48×48 to 8176×8176(66.8Mpixels)

    • Up to 76 million pixels per second

 Neural Process Unit

  • Neural network acceleration engine with processing performance up to 1.2 TOPS

  • Support integer 8, integer 16 convolution operation

  • Support deeplearning frameworks: TensorFlow, TF-lite, Pytorch, Caffe, ONNX, MXNet, Keras, Darknet

  • Support OpenVX API

  • One isolated voltage domain to support DVFS

Memory Organization

  • Internal on-chip memory

    • BootRom

    • SYSTEM_SRAM in the voltage domain of VD_LOGIC

    • PMU_SRAM in the voltage domain of VD_PMU for low power application

  • External off-chip memory


    • SPI Flash

    • eMMC

    • SD Card

    • Async Nand Flash

Internal Memory

  • Internal BootRom

    • Support system boot from the following device:

  • FSPI Flash interface

  • eMMC interface

  • SDMMC interface

  • Async Nand interface

    • Support system code download by the following interface:

  • USB OTG interface (Device mode)


    • Size: 64KB


    • Size: 8KB

External Memory or Storage device

  • Dynamic Memory Interface (DDR3/DDR3L/DDR4/LPDDR3/LPDDR4)

    • Compatible with JEDEC standards

    • Compatible with DDR3/DDR3L/ DDR4 /LPDDR3/LPDDR4

    • Support 32-bit data width, 2 ranks (chip selects), max 4GB addressing space per rank, total addressing space is 4GB (max)

    • Low power modes, such as power-down and self-refresh for SDRAM

  • eMMC Interface

    • Compatible with standard iNAND interface

    • Compatible with eMMC specification 51

    • Support three data bus width: 1-bit, 4-bit or 8-bit

    • Support up to HS200; but not support CMD Queue

  • SD/MMC Interface

    • Compatible with SD3.0, MMC 51

    • Data bus width is 4bits

  • Flexible Serial Flash Interface(FSPI)

    • Support transfer data from/to serial flash device

    • Support x1, x2, x4 data bits mode

  • Support 2 chips select

  • Nand Flash Interface

    • Support async nand flash

    • Data bus width is 8bits

    • Support 1 chip select

    • Support LBA nand flash

    • Up to 16bits/1KB hardware ECC

    • Support configurable interface timing

System Component


    • 32bit microcontroller core with RISC-V ISA

    • Harvard architecture, separate Instruction and Data memories

Instruction set is RV32I with M and C extensions

  • Integrated Programmable Interrupt Controller (IPIC), all 123 IRQ lines connected to GIC for Cortex-A7 also connect to RISC-V MCU

  • Integrated Debug Controller with JTAG interface

  • CRU (clock & reset unit)

    • Support clock gating control for individual components

    • One oscillator with 24MHz clock input

    • Support global soft-reset control for whole chip, also individual soft-reset for each component

  • PMU (power management unit)

    • Support 5 separate voltage domains VD_CORE/VD_LOGIC/VD_PMU/VD_NPU/VD_VEPU

    • Support 14 separate power domains, which can be power up/down by software based on different application scenes

    • Multiple configurable work modes to save power by different frequency or automatic clock gating control or power domain on/off control

  • Timer

    • Support 6 64bit-timers with interrupt-based operation for non-secure application

    • Support 2 64bit-timers with interrupt-based operation for secure application

    • Support two operation modes: free-running and user-defined count

    • Support timer work state checkable

  • PWM

    • Support 12 on-chip PWMs (PWM0~PWM11) with interrupt-based operation

    • Programmable pre-scaled operation to bus clock and then further scaled

    • Embedded 32-bit timer/counter facility

    • Support capture mode

    • Support continuous mode or one-shot mode

    • Provides reference mode and output various duty-cycle waveform

    • Optimized for IR application for PWM3, PWM7 and PWM11

  • Watchdog

    • 32-bit watchdog counter

    • Counter counts down from a preset value to 0 to indicate the occurrence of a timeout

    • WDT can perform two types of operations when timeout occurs:

  • Generate a system reset

  • First generate an interrupt and if this is not cleared by the service routine by the time a second timeout occurs then generate a system reset

    • Programmable reset pulse length

    • Totally 16 defined-ranges of main timeout period

    • One Watchdog for non-secure application

    • One Watchdog for secure application

  • Interrupt Controller

    • Support 128 SPI interrupt sources input from different components

    • Support 16 software-triggered interrupts

  • Two interrupt outputs (nFIQ and nIRQ) separately for each Cortex-A7, both are low-level sensitive

  • Support different interrupt priority for each interrupt source, and they are always software-programmable

  • DMAC

    • Micro-code programming-based DMA

    • Linked list DMA function is supported to complete scatter-gather transfer

    • Support data transfer types with memory-to-memory, memory-to-peripheral, peripheral-to-memory

    • Signals the occurrence of various DMA events using the interrupt output signals

    • One embedded DMA controller for system

    • DMAC features:

  • Support 8 channels

  • 27 hardware requests from peripherals

  • 2 interrupts output

  • Support TrustZone technology and programmable secure state for each DMA channel

  • Secure System

    • Cipher engine

  • Support SM2/SM3/SM4 cipher

  • Support SHA-1, SHA-256/224, SHA-512/384, MD5 with hardware padding

  • Support Link List Item (LLI) DMA transfer

  • Support AES-128 AES-256 encrypt & decrypt cipher


  • Support DES & TDES encrypt & decrypt cipher

  • Support DES/TDES ECB/CBC/OFB/CFB mode

  • Support up to 4096 bits PKA mathematical operations for RSA/ECC

  • Support up to 8-channels configuration

  • Support Up to 256 bits TRNG output

    • Support data scrambling for all DDR types

    • Support secure OTP

    • Support secure debug

    • Support secure OS

  • Mailbox

    • One Mailbox in SoC to service A7 and RISC-V communication

    • Support four mailbox elements per mailbox, each element includes one data word, one command word register and one flag bit that can represent one interrupt

    • Provide 32 lock registers for software to use to indicate whether mailbox is occupied


    • Support for decompressing GZIP files

    • Support for decompressing LZ4 files, including the General Structure of LZ4 Frame format and the Legacy Frame

    • Support for decompressing data in Deflate format

    • Support for decompressing data in ZLIB format

    • Support complete interrupt and error interrupt output

    • Support Hash32 check in LZ4 decompression process

    • Support the limit size function of the decompressed data to prevent the memory from being maliciously destroyed during the decompression process

    • Support software to stop the decompression process

Graphic Engine

  • 2D Graphics Engine (RGA):

    • Source formats:

u    ABGR8888, XBGR888, ARGB8888, XRGB888

u    RGB888, RGB565


u    RGBA5551, RGBA4444

  • YUV420 planar, YUV420 semi-planar

  • YUV422 planar, YUV422 semi-planar

  • YUV 10-bit for YUV420/422 semi-planar

  • BPP8, BPP4, BPP2, BPP1

    • Destination formats:

u    ABGR8888, XBGR888, ARGB8888, XRGB888

u    RGB888, RGB565

u    RGBA5551, RGBA4444

  • YUV420 planar, YUV420 semi-planar

  • YUV422 planar, YUV422 semi-planar

    • Pixel Format conversion, 601/BT.709

    • Max resolution: 8192×8192 source, 4096×4096 destination

    • BitBLT

  • Two source BitBLT:

  • A+B=B only BitBLT, A support rotate and scale when B fixed

  • A+B=C second source (B) has same attribute with (C) plus rotation function

    • Color fill with gradient fill, and pattern fill

    • High-performance stretch and shrink

    • Monochrome expansion for text rendering

    • New comprehensive per-pixel alpha (color/alpha channel separately)

    • Alpha blending modes including Java 2 Porter-Duff compositing blending rules, chroma key, pattern mask, fading

    • Dither operation

    • 0, 90, 180, 270-degree rotation

    • x-mirror, y-mirror and rotation operation

  • Image Enhancement Processor (IEP):

    • Image format

  • Input data: YUV420/YUV422, semi-planar/planar, UV swap

  • Output data: YUV420/YUV422, semi-planar, UV swap, Tile mode

  • YUV down sampling conversion from 422 to 420

  • Max resolution for dynamic image up to 1920×1080

    • De-interlace

Display Interface

  • One up to 24 bits RGB parallel video output interface

  • One 1120 video output interface

  • One 4 lane MIPI DSI interface, up to 1Gbps per lane

  • Up to 1080p@60fps

Video Output Processor (VOP)

n     Up to 1920×1080 @60fps

  • Multiple layer

    • Background layer

    • Win0 layer

    • Win2 layer

  • Input format: RGB888, ARGB888, RGB565, YCbCr422, YCbCr420, YCbCr444

  • 1/8 to 8 scaling-down and scaling-up engine

  • Support virtual display

  • 256 level alpha blending (pre-multiplied alpha support)

  • Transparency color key

  • YCbCr2RGB (rec601-mpeg/ rec601-jpeg/rec709)

  • RGB2YCbCr (BT.601/BT.709)

  • Support multi-region

  • Win0 layer and Win2 layer overlay exchangeable

  • Support RGB or YUV domain overlay

  • BCSH (Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, Hue adjustment)

  • BCSH: YCbCr2RGB (rec601-mpeg/ rec601-jpeg/rec709)

  • BCSH: RGB2YCbCr (BT.601/BT.709)

  • Support Gamma adjust

  • Support dither down allegro RGB888to666 RGB888to565 & dither down FRC (configurable) RGB888to666

  • Blank and black display

Audio Interface

  • I2S0 with 8 channels

    • Up to 8 channels TX and 8 channels RX path

    • Audio resolution from 16bits to 32bits

    • Sample rate up to 192KHz

    • Provides master and slave work mode, software configurable

    • Support 3 I2S formats (normal, left-justified, right-justified)

    • Support 4 PCM formats (early, late1, late2, late3)

    • I2S and PCM mode cannot be used at the same time

  • I2S1/I2S2 with 2 channels

    • Up to 2 channels for TX and 2 channels RX path

    • Audio resolution from 16bits to 32bits

    • Sample rate up to 192KHz

    • Provides master and slave work mode, software configurable

    • Support 3 I2S formats (normal, left-justified, right-justified)

    • Support 4 PCM formats (early, late1, late2, late3)

    • I2S and PCM cannot be used at the same time

  • PDM

    • Up to 8 channels

    • Audio resolution from 16bits to 24bits

    • Sample rate up to 192KHz

    • Support PDM master receive mode

  • TDM

    • Support up to 8 channels for TX and 8 channels RX path

    • Audio resolution from 16bits to 32bits

    • Sample rate up to 192KHz

    • Provides master and slave work mode, software configurable

    • Support 3 I2S formats (normal, left-justified, right-justified)

    • Support 4 PCM formats (early, late1, late2, late3)

  • Audio PWM

    • Support convert PCM to PWM format

    • Sample rate up to 16x

    • Support linear interpolation for 2x/4x/8x/16 oversampling

    • Support 8/9/10/11 bits maskable L/R channel PWM output

  • Digital Audio Codec

    • Support 3-channel digital ADC

    • Support 2-channel digital DAC

    • Support I2S/PCM interface

    • Support I2S/PCM master and slave mode

    • Support 4-channel audio transmitting in I2S mode

    • Support 2-channel audio receiving in I2S mode

    • Support 2-channel audio transmitting or receiving in PCM mode

    • Support 16~24 bit sample resolution for both digital ADC and digital DAC

    • Both digital ADC and digital DAC support three groups of sample rates. Group 0 are 8khz/16khz/32kHz/64kHz/128khz, group 1 are 11.025khz/22.05khz/44.1khz/88.2khz/176.4khz and group 2 are 12khz/24khz/48khz/96khz/192khz

    • The passband of digital ADC filters is 45625*fs

    • Support digital ADC pass-band ripple within +/-0.1dB

  • The stop-band of digital ADC filters is 5*fs

  • Support digital ADC stop-band attenuation at least 60dB

  • Support volume control for both digital ADC and digital DAC

  • Support Automatic Level Control (ALC)and noise gate for digital ADC

  • Support communication with Analog Codec through I2C bus


  • SDIO Interface

    • Compatible with SDIO3.0 protocol

    • 4bits data bus widths

  • GMAC 10/100/1000M ethernet controller

    • Support 10/100/1000-Mbps data transfer rates with the RGMII interfaces

    • Support 10/100-Mbps data transfer rates with the RMII interfaces

    • Support both full-duplex and half-duplex operation

    • Support for TCP Segmentation Offload (TSO) and UDP Segmentation Offload (USO) network acceleration

  • USB 2.0 Host

    • Compatible with USB 2.0 specification

    • Supports high-speed(480Mbps), full-speed(12Mbps) and low-speed(1.5Mbps) mode

    • Support Enhanced Host Controller Interface Specification (EHCI), Revision 0

    • Support Open Host Controller Interface Specification (OHCI), Revision 0a

  • USB 2.0 OTG

    • Universal Serial Bus Specification, Revision 0

    • Extensible Host Controller Interface for Universal Serial Bus (xHCI), Revision 1.1

    • Compatible Specification

    • Support Control/Bulk/Interrupt/Isochronous Transfer

  • SPI Interface

    • Support 2 SPI Controllers, support two chip-select output

    • Support serial-master and serial-slave mode, software-configurable

  • I2C Interface

    • Support 6 I2C interfaces(I2C0-I2C5)

    • Support 7bits and 10bits address mode

    • Software programmable clock frequency

    • Data on the I2C-bus can be transferred at rates of up to 100k bits/s in the

Standard-mode, up to 400k bits/s in the Fast-mode or up to 1m bits/s in Fast-mode Plus

  • UART Interface

    • Support 6 UART interfaces (UART0-UART5)

    • Support 5bit, 6bit, 7bit, 8bit serial data transmit or receive

    • Standard asynchronous communication bits such as start, stop and parity

    • Support different input clock for UART operation to get up to 4Mbps baud rate

    • Support auto flow control mode(except UART2)


  • Multiple Groups of GPIO

    • All of GPIOs can be used to generate interrupt

    • Support level trigger and edge trigger interrupt

    • Support configurable polarity of level trigger interrupt

    • Support configurable rising edge, falling edge and both edge trigger interrupt

    • Support configurable pull direction (a weak pull-up and a weak pull-down)

    • Support configurable drive strength

  • Temperature Sensor (TS-ADC)

    • Support User-Defined Mode and Automatic Mode

    • In User-Defined Mode, start_of_conversion can be controlled completely by software, and also can be generated by

    • In Automatic Mode, the temperature of alarm(high/low temperature) interrupt can

be configurable

  • In Automatic Mode, the temperature of system reset can be configurable

  • Support to 2 channel TS-ADC (used for CPU and NPU respectively), the temperature criteria of each channel can be configurable

  • -40~125°C temperature range and 5°C temperature resolution

  • 12-bit SARADC up to 732 S/s sampling rate

  • Successive approximation ADC (SARADC)

    • 10-bit resolution

    • Up to 1MS/s sampling rate

    • 6 single-ended input channels

  • OTP

    • Support 32Kbit space and higher 4k address space is non-secure

    • Support read and program word mask in secure model

    • Support program length from 1 to 32 bit

    • Read operation support 8bit only

    • Program and Read state can be read

    • Program fail address record

  • Package type

FCCSP 409-pin (body: 14mm x 14mm; ball size: 0.3mm; ball pitch: 0.65mm)